Femme Fatale

Femme Fatale by fragglerocks
Femme Fatale, a photo by fragglerocks on Flickr.

Been a busy weekend! Had friends round on Friday night so Saturday was a bit wasted lol, just about recovered now! Today I had my first session at the gym - trying to get fitter cos I'm a right lummox at the moment and were getting married at long last this year! Good motivation. And we've finished and put onto disc the article for military modelling international and done another one for the book he's involved in. And to finish up, 3 hours of accounted after Phil went to work.
Going back to work for a rest :)

Herky ok for now, diuretics seem to be helping a lot, he's calm and breathing ok, but still having a fit each day, which scares us both :(
