Angel of Grief 20/8/365

Angel of Grief 20/8/365 by fragglerocks
Angel of Grief 20/8/365, a photo by fragglerocks on Flickr.

Oh the excitement!! Got my new camera for my birthday present today. My lovely man went halves with me on a Nikon D7000. It’s an amazing bit of kit, and whilst I know it’s not the camera that makes you a good photographer, at least when I do take a good one, it’ll be the biz! I took it out to Grangetown Cemetary to give it a work out on my Get Pushed challenge to take a photo representing sad gloomy and melancholic, and this is one of the photo’s I came up with.

Can’t wait for tomorrow- Phil is at work so I’m going out with it to see what it can do, might take my little friend Katie with me as she’s requested that I help her in her photography, she’s only 8!! Anyway my lovely man is playing bass, and we have a chinese dinner cooked by moi waiting for him to finish his track. So Off to it!
