chrysler 6/7/365

chrysler 6/7/365 by fragglerocks
chrysler 6/7/365, a photo by fragglerocks on Flickr.

My new car.

Hah NOT, this belongs to the chap who runs my local corner shop, and very nice it is too, so I asked if I could take a photo of it and he said yes, but he wouldn’t stand next to it, too shy!!

Anyway a good day though MY car is still vibrating at 60mph and beyond so I’m dawdling about at 55mph til it’s back to the garage on Saturday. Very boring on the motorways I have to say, never mind did a couple of sales today and enjoyed myself, met some nice new people I’m going to help hear properly. Plus all my outstanding credit card payments came through today yay so I’m back in black. Other than that, nothing to report so this is a short one. Herky is better (thank de lawd!!), Yoyo is eating, Phil’s getting on with his tank, and I’ve just finished doing my work and posting this photo, so off to visit my Flickrchums and say some nice things on their photo’s.


  1. I've just been reading through to catch up with what I've missed. Sounds like you've been having a nightmare of a time!


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