
27/7/365 by fragglerocks
27/7/365, a photo by fragglerocks on Flickr.

More fruitiness, in my endeavors’ to learn potatoshop am having fun anyway.

A good day today. I went to do a test on a chap but when I got there his wife told me had alzheimers and would lose them in a week so not to bother. I ended up staying for an hour and listening to all their stories as the old chap was a tank driver in WW2 and he certainly could remember those days. He’d been a gunner to start but ended up driving Sherman tanks throughout the war, Holland, France etc, and though his tanks had been hit twice, he survived without a scratch! He was at the battle of the Bulge. It’s great to meet these old hero’s. Then they told me all about the re-unions they used to go to over in France and Holland, and how the people there treated them as hero’s too and made a huge fuss of them all every year. They became great friends with the people, and it was lovely to hear them reminiscing and having a good old giggle. It’s always a privilege to meet the
chaps that saved the world. He’s 87 now, so was only 19 or so at the time of the war.

That always staggers me when I think of the 19year olds I know today.

No sale though ☺

Have done a fitting though and sorted out a couple of people’s aids, and signed up a new affiliate, so all in all a good day.
