What a gorgeous day for driving up to Alnwick, stunning scenery, didn’t have time to do it justice with my camera but managed a few shots to practice HDR with. Anyway had a productive day and have gained two clients and fitted aids to a third, can’t get better than that. Ah wow to the house where my new lady client lives- so beautiful surroundings, I’ve had quite a few ‘posh’ house visits in the wilds of Northumberland, I love how the people are so different, yet the same as any human. They’ve all been highly educated, speak softly and are very …refined I think the word is. I feel quite loutish in posh peoples presence ☺ still, we all have to eat,drink,s**t and die and hearing problems have no class boundaries, so a level playing field! Anyway this lady had been a Nurse for all her life so we had a fair bit in common- always good.
So this picture, I caught this out of my car window (YES!! I was having yet another McD cappuccino – and got the POS out and snapadap! Yesterday was a bit of a down day and today is definitely an up day! Blimey I sound like a manic depressive! Not that I have anything against manics or depressives, I’m just not. Really!! Anyway I loved the red platform, and he made it go up and down a few times to get stuff, looked like a fun job!
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