The Tits have landed. 28/3/365

So my Nobirds table has at last been found by a pair of some sort of tit things. I took this from my upstairs playroom window so it's not the best, but wanted toshow my flickrchums the tits have landed! This is their 3rd appearance but they don't hang about long enough to sort out camera settings etc- or even wait tilI can get downstairs to my hidey hole.

Have had better days, but it could be worse, so look on the bright side. Did a test this morning, but no go, nice people and mad poodle, but not up for private aids. Quite glad really. Came home as had a rep coming to see me to show me the latest wireless aids and accoutrements, and that was OK but he is a bit vague. Nevermind, it’s not rocket science. Actually it is a bit, or at least digital technology, but that’s my job so I can figure it out.

So I had the rest of the afternoon ‘off’-that’s in inverted comma’s as I was doing a whole load of work stuff and not playing.

It was also my chap’s day off, which you’d think would be nice, but it wasn’t as he’s in a sh** mood for some unknown reason. Me- what’s wrong? Him-nothing.’s wrong. So there’s nothing wrong, but the stomping and the hitting hard of the computer keyboard belies that statement- I know him so Well – good song- Barbra Dickinson and Elaine page duet if memory serves me well.

Anyway. I’m keeping my gob shut til it all comes out or blows over, whichever happens first, and playing with HDR technology, which I am getting quite fond of. That’s it now anyway, the ironing beckons ☹
