heads up guys...we ain't licked yet! 23/3/365

Have been so uninspired for my 365 today. Had 3 hours wait to see a client, and though it was a beautiful sunny day, I ended up reading a novel in the car!! Phil’s on nights so I don’t like to be home in case I disturb his sleep. Am a bit under the weather (what a bloody stupid saying don’t you think?? I mean, are not we all under the weather every day? Weather does not go on below us after all!) anyway I digress, I have remnants of the tummy bug I had at the weekend still floating about- I’ll spare you the gory details.

Anyway finally at nearly 10pm I thought I’d have a poke about in Phil’s playroom to see if that could engender some inspiration, and so came across all the little heads he’s in the process of painting up ready to stick on the little men who will drive his little tanks lol. They’re really good when you consider each one is the size of your little finger-nail.

Have kept a narrow depth of field to darken the background of masses of painting equipment and give it a spooky look, so am quite pleased with it all in all.
