There is a group on Flickr called Fence Friday, I’ve submitted a few shots to it and they’ve all been rejected for some reason, not sure why but from what I can tell the woman who runs it is a bit of a UMOA and my shots have not been the convensional fence type lol, So now and then I take a shot of my incredibly boring garden fence to give it some home-lovin’ and tonight I thought I’d practice my long exposure technique on it.
Other than that a good day, only had one appointment that turned into a retest, sale and fitting all in one go. The chap is a doctor- they are the worst patients! And even more vain than the Queen of Vain, so is now Dr.Vain. I had a visit with the Queen yesterday, was dreading it as she was a bit moany to say the least, but surprise surprise she loves the hearing aid and is considering one for the other ear. No problems at all and a very nice visit. People can still surprise me, which is a good thing.
Phil has done loads of gardening today and it looks so neat and tidy now, and is now practicing scales on his bass. Love the fact that it’s the weekend!
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